Spring 2024 Courses

Spring Quarter 2024


Lower Division

RUS 003 Elementary Russian
Liliana Avramenko

RUS 006 Intermediate Russian
Jekaterina Galmant
Russian 6 is designed as a continuation of Russian 5 and promotes pronunciation and grammar, as well as the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, with an emphasis on communicative skills, through compelling conversation topics, creative presentations and engaging discussions.  The course integrates new vocabulary and syntax into previously acquired language. The purpose of the course is facilitate a maximum exposure to the language and culture and to give the student the opportunity to use Russian as much as possible. 
Prerequisites: RUS 005 or Language Placement Test
Textbooks: OER, no required materials for purchase

Upper Division

RUS 101C Advanced Russian
Liliana Avramenko

RUS 105 Advanced Russian Conversation
Liliana Avramenko

RUS 140 Dostoevsky (In English)
Mary Elisabeth Elliott

Come explore the history, culture, art, and philosophy of Imperial Russia through the works of one of the greatest prose writers of the 19th century, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. His portrayals of the philosophic, psychological and political characteristics of his contemporary moment depict the human condition in all of its beauty, complexity and horror. His unflinching honesty and unparalleled prose enable his works to continue to occupy a place of honor and sustained relevance in literary studies. Through readings of The Double, Notes from Underground and The Idiot, we will be able to enter into Dostoevsky’s Russia and reflect on the import of his works then and now, especially in the way they contribute to the myth of Great Russian Culture which plays a central role in East/West politics today. 

 GEs: AH, WC, WE

A flyer for RUS 140 featuring a painting of a Russian family

RUS 150 Russian Culture - Between East and West
Victoria Juharyan

This course will examine major elements of Russian culture from the establishment of Kievan Rus in the ninth century to the Russian Revolution and contemporary events. We will sample poetry, prose, drama, political manifestoes, speeches, films, and performances that will help us conceptualize the historical epochs we study. Methodologically, the course is both intergeneric (history, journalism, and fiction) and multidisciplinary (literature, film, visual art). Another aspect of our inquiry will be philosophy and the history of ideas. The course will introduce students to the history of Russian thought from the Enlightenment to Marxism and contemporary ideology. We will closely study such seminal texts for Russian culture as Nikolay Leskov’s “The Tale of the Crosseyed Lefthander from Tula and the Steel Flea,” Nikolay Gogol’s short stories “The Nose,” and “The Overcoat,” as well as selections from Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and Chekhov. No knowledge of Russian required. GE credit: AH, OL, VL, WC, WE
Taught in English

a flyer for RST 150, art of a man holding a golden item. A floral background.