Winter 2022 Russian Courses
- For day, time, room, and TA information, see our PDF SCHEDULE or the course search tool
- For all courses not described below, please refer to the General Catalog course descriptions:
RUS 002 Elementary Russian / CRN 41146
RUS 005 Intermediate Russian / CRN 41147
Lecturer Jekaterina Galmant
This course is designed as a continuation of Russian 004 and promotes pronunciation and grammar, as well as the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, with an emphasis on communicative skills. This course aims to expand the oral and written communication skills acquired in earlier classes and to broaden students’ understanding of the cultures of the Russian-speaking world. Grammatical concepts are reviewed and expanded. Students will be exposed to aspects of Russian culture and literature via music, movies and written texts. Topics include, but are not limited to, daily routine, housing, hobbies, movies and theater, and music. Students will participate in various classroom activities, including small group and pair work, and oral presentations to give them ample opportunities to practice Russian.

RUS 101B Advanced Russian / CRN 41160
RUS 142 Women in Russian Culture

This course focuses on the representation of (and by) women in Russian fiction and film, with special attention devoted to the late-Soviet and post-Soviet periods. Beginning with Anna Akhmatova’s classic narrative poet, Requiem, set during the darkest years of the Stalinist terror, the readings will span over five decades and take place against the backdrop of profound social, cultural and political shifts, including perestroika I glasnost of the 1980s and the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. The texts and films covered in the course will explore such issues as family dynamics/motherhood, sexuality, work, and women’s relationship to the state. Fictional texts will be supplemented by sociological readings that illuminate the conditions of women’s lives during the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. Students will become familiar with the works of several prominent contemporary female authors, including Liudmila Petrushevskaia, Svetlana Vasilenko, Liudmila Ulitskaia, Tatiana Tolstaia, and recent Nobel Prize in Literature recipient Svetlana Alexeivich. We will also watch several important films featuring female characters from the past decades. At the end of the quarter, we will analyze the cultural significance of the feminist, activist collective Pussy Riot – whose daring acts of social protest against the Putin regime have attracted international attention.
RUS 143 Chekhov (in English) / CRN 44268