Winter 2024 Courses
- For day, time, room, and TA information, see our PDF SCHEDULE or the class search tool
- For all courses not described here, please refer to the General Catalog course descriptions:
Lower Division
RUS 002 Elementary Russian
Liliana Avramenko
RUS 005 Intermediate Russian
Jekaterina Galmant
Russian 5 is designed as a continuation of Russian 4 and promotes pronunciation and grammar, as well as the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, with an emphasis on communicative skills, through compelling conversation topics, creative presentations and engaging discussions. The course integrates new vocabulary and syntax into previously acquired language. The purpose of the course is facilitate a maximum exposure to the language and culture and to give the student the opportunity to use Russian as much as possible.
Prerequisites: RUS 005 or Language Placement Test
Textbooks: OER, no required materials for purchase
Upper Division
RUS 101B Advanced Russian
Liliana Avramenko
RUS 120 Humor and Comedy in Russian Culture (taught in English)
Victoria Juharyan
Required texts:
- Mikhail Bulgakov, Heart of a Dog, trans. Mirra Ginsburg (New York: Grove Press, 1968).
- Venedikt Erofeev, Moscow to the End of the Line, trans. H. William Tjalsma (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1994)
- Other readings uploaded to Canvas

RUS 139 Pushkin
Victoria Juharyan
In this course, we will read and discuss Alexander Pushkin’s poetry, his novel in verse Eugene Onegin, and many other works in their original Russian. We will cover three major periods of Pushkin‘s poetical works: his early Lyceum verse; his poetry of the early 1820s; and the mature period of 1830s, as well as study Pushkin‘s prose fiction, drama, and journalism.